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Fondue Burger DIY Recipe

Fondue Burger DIY Recipe

Here are instructions on how to make our Fondue burger at home.


    To make our Honest Pickles visit our pickle recipe here. NOTE: This is a recipe for a large jar of pickles so you can keep them in the fridge for future burgers and salads.


    Get a saucepan on a low heat. While it’s warming up rub the garlic clove around the pan. You want to “season” the pan with the garlic clove and release the garlic oils from the clove into pan.

  3. Add wine to the pan (75ml for two burgers/150ml for four), once it’s warmed through gradually add the fondue cheese mix and gently stir together. Cook for 2-3 minutes and it will slowly combine into a fondue consistency. Now you can discard the garlic clove and leave the fondue on your lowest heat, stirring regularly to stop it catching the bottom of the pan.


    Get a heavy based frying pan on a high heat (don’t add oil, the burger’s got enough fat) and you might want to open some windows — as it’s going to get smoky.

  5. Add burgers to frying pan, press down gently to get a good sear and season liberally with salt and pepper.

  6. Cook patties to your preference — it’s hard to gauge exact timings as cooking equipment varies — but five and a half minutes on each side should give you a cooked through burger, you can always work back from that.

  7. Once flipped, season liberally on the cooked side and continue to cook the burgers to your liking.

  8. Once done, remove from the pan and leave somewhere warm to rest.

  9. In the same pan add your pancetta and cook for about 1 minute each side, keep an eye on it as it cooks quickly. Once cooked set aside.


    Add white wine onions to a saucepan on a low heat to warm them through.


  11. Make sure your fondue mix is nice and gooey, then toast your buns and start building your burgers.

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