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Honest Burgers COVID-19 Policy

Employees travelling to and from work
All employees have been provided guidance on how to safely travel to and from work. This can be found in “HONEST BURGER EMPLOYEE TRANSPORT & TRAVEL GUIDANCE”. This provides Guidance on how to plan journeys, what to take during the commute and recommendations during travel. All employees have been provided with either face masks or face coverings, which are to be worn when travelling to and from work. All employees have staggered start and finish times to eliminate congestion and entrance and exist’s to Honest Burger restaurants.

Critically vulnerable and extremely vulnerable individuals
It is mandatory that A COVID-19 Specific Visitor & Employee Health Questionnaire “Return to Work Health Check” is completed by all employees. The questionnaire establishes if any employees have any underlying health issues or conditions. Which could make them more susceptible to contracting COVID-19. If any such health issue has been identified, the employee has either been found suitable roles which they cannot be affected by COVID-19 or not been allowed to return to work.

Daily Health Screening
Any employee or persons entering an Honest Burger restaurant or premises. undertake “Daily health screening questionnaire” to establish if they are experiencing any Coronavirus symptoms. In addition, each premises has a thermometer to record employee or visitor’s temperature. If a temperature above 37.8°C or Coronavirus symptoms are identified, the person is not permitted access and asked to follow self-isolation guidance.

Restricted Access
Only business critical employees and contractors are permitted into an Honest Burger restaurant or premises.

Working in family groups
In order to decrease the number of employees working together. The restaurant has adopted working in family groups. Employees are not permitted to work outside their confirmed family group or work in other Honest Burger restaurants, without Operation Manager sign off. If one team member becomes ill or shows signs of COVID-19, the whole family group must follow self-isolation guidelines if not fully vaccinated.  Any new team brought into the restaurant must undertake a full sanitisation of the site before re-opening.

Coronavirus testing
All employees have been provided guidance on obtaining COVID-19 , if they feel they are experiencing Coronavirus symptoms. This can be found on the “Coronavirus Testing Guidance” help sheet. If an employee has confirmed they have experienced any Coronavirus symptoms, the employee will not be permitted to return to work until a negative test sample can be supplied or the adequate isolation period is observed.

Site Specific COVID19 Risk Assessments
Every restaurant has had a site-specific risk assessment undertaken to identify risk and hazards from the Coronavirus. Measures have been put in place to either eliminate or decrease the likelihood of contracting COVID-19. The site-specific risk assessments are relayed to all employees working within their particular restaurant, so they are aware of the safe methods of working required within the premises.

COVID-19 Site H&S Representatives
Each restaurant has elected a H & S representative to feedback on all issues relating COVID-19 and safe ways of working. These H & S representatives have been direct communication to the management team to raise any concerns, give feedback and confirm best practices. Daily discussions between the restaurant H&S representative and the management will take place. Feeding back any improvements on the site-specific risk assessment. 

Food Collection & Queuing Areas
Where the restaurant configuration allows, separate queues and food collection points will be provided for delivery drivers and customers. This will be detailed and confirmed by the restaurant’s site specific risk assessment. Dedicated FOH coordinators are in place to ensure that the handoff process can be managed without close face to face interaction. Frequent cleaning of all food collection points and frequent touch points are to be undertaken.

Customer Payment Methods
Contactless and click and collect delivery is in place, to help eliminate risk of contaminated money or debit/credit cards. Hand sanitiser and hand towels are placed by every restaurant food collection point. So that the can sanitise hands before using and food collection point.

In order to decrease face to face contact with employees, where possible contractors and suppliers are asked to attend out of hours when employees are not present.
If this cannot be undertaken all contractors/suppliers must undertake a “Daily health-screening questionnaire on the before allowing access. If the health screening questionnaire highlights any underlying health issues, which makes COVID-19 contraction more susceptible. Access is denied to the contractor or delivery driver. All contractors/suppliers must comply with guidance and rules set out in the site-specific risk assessments. All contractors/suppliers have also been supplied our “HONEST BURGER CONTRACTOR & SUPPLIER COVID-19 REQUIREMENTS” in advance of their attendance. Confirming our requirements before attending any restaurant/premises.

The adherence to the “Daily health screening questionnaire” will allow the contact employees, contractors, and delivery drivers access history to be tracked. If a person contracts Coronavirus and has entered an Honest Burger premise. A list of people they may have come in contact will be available

In & Outbound Goods
Each restaurant has a specific area of the restaurant where goods and supplies can be placed. Signage has been displayed to advise contractors/suppliers of this area. This is to allow zone goods to be cleaned before they enter the remainder of the premises.

Social Distancing
Where possible social distancing within the restaurant is observed.
Employees are to work in set working zones to decrease the chance of contracting or transmitting COVID-19.
The number of personnel working in the kitchen has been kept to a minimum. Rotas have been adjusted so that only 3 employees are working within the kitchen peak times. This is reduced to 2 employees at all other times.
Face masks and visors are available to all members of the team.
Face to face working has been eliminated where possible. The configuration of the kitchen allows side to side back to back working.
Reducing the movement of non-essential trips has been relayed to all restaurant staff. All these activities are to be staggered and based on individual usage.

All doors have been assessed to see if they can be propped open to eliminate potential touch points. This will be recorded in the site-specific risk assessments of each restaurant. All doors fitted with keypad combination locks and to be left unlocked during work shifts, to eliminate a touch point. All doors and touch points on doors are to be cleaned daily.

H&S Signage
H&S safety signage, hand wash guidance, risk assessment have all been displayed on site. In order to reconfirm procedures to all that enter the restaurant and help users not to forget site procedures.

Staff Uniforms & Changing Facilities
All staff will wear separate clothes to those that they will be wearing inside the restaurant.
Once staff have washed their hands-on arrival, they are walk to the staff room to change into work uniforms. All employees are provided with individual storage facilities for their personal clothes.
All kitchen staff are provided with full Honest Burger uniform of T-shirt, trousers and hat. These are to be left on site and laundered daily. A laundry bag will be provided for all Kitchen clothes to be placed within at the end of each shift. The last person leaving the premises, is then to remove and place the bag in Inbound & Outbound goods zone.
Front of house staff carry separate clothing into work in a sealed bag (backpack etc) to change into upon entering the site.  They are provided with Honest T-shirts, which a clean T-shirt is to be worn on each shift. Once the shift is finished, the worn T-shirt is to be placed in a seal bag to take home and laundered each day.
For clothing items which are not laundered by the company third party, staff have been recommended on washing clothes at 30°c after each shift. It is no recommended to wear the same personal clothes on day in a row without washing the clothes

Employees Meetings
External video conference or conference calls is the preference for all meetings. All meetings are to be verbal to eliminate sharing of pens, paper and equipment.
If internal meetings are required between the restricted restaurant working group. Strict 2m social distancing between each member. There is sufficient space in the restaurant to enable such meetings.

Staff Breaks
All employees within an Honest Burger restaurant must take staggered breaks. The General Manager is responsible for confirming break times. A designated area of the restaurant will be demised for staff breaks. Signage is erected to confirm this area and employees must wash and sanitise hands before using the break area.

Sanitiser & Handwashing
Every entrance with a restaurant has a dedicated hand sanitising point, which has hand sanitiser and hand towels. Every person entering the restaurant is required to sanitise their hands before entering the restaurant. They are then immediately to wash their hands in the nearest hand wash basin, which is detailed on the site-specific risk assessment.
All food collection points also have a dedicated hand sanitising point, which has hand sanitiser and hand towels. This is to allow customers and delivery drivers to use it if they so wish.
An increased hand wash policy is also in place for employees. Employees are to wash their hands every 20 minutes. An audible alarm has been provided in each restaurant which will sound every 20 minutes, to remind staff to wash their hands.
Guidance on how to wash you hands for 20 seconds has been printed and displayed next to all hand wash basin, to remind users the correct hand wash procedure.

Increased cleaning operations and in place in all restaurants Frequent cleaning of work areas and equipment between uses is compulsory. Cleaning is undertaken with a cleaner capable of killing SARS-CoV-2.  A full clean down of the restaurant takes place at the being and finish of shifts. Disinfectant, sanitiser, and hand wash used has comply with EN14476. If using hand sanitisers, they must be over 70% alcohol content.
Staff have been trained to not undertake cleaning by aggressive spraying with sanitiser of disinfectant bottles. To avoid and minimise the risk of spreading any virus. A a soft spray or pouring technique has been relayed.
Cleaning of surfaces must include all commonly touched areas; kitchen worktops, tables, door handles, toilet doors, toilet flush handles, light switches, keyboards, any phones in use (team phones must be shut away during working time), delivery tablets, tills, all contact surfaces and kitchen utensils.  All Hard surfaces will be cleaned with a disposable cloth, first clean hard surfaces with warm soapy water. Surfaces are then to be disinfected. Paying particular attention to frequently touched areas and surfaces, such as bathrooms, grab-rails in corridors and stairwells and door handles.
Disposable cloths or blue roll and disposable mop heads, to clean all hard surfaces, floors, chairs, door handles and sanitary fittings. A combined detergent disinfectant solution at a dilution of 1,000 parts per million available chlorine must be used.

Emergency Procedures
In an emergency, for example,  a  fire  or  break-in,  people  do not  have  to stay 2m  apart  if  it  would  be  unsafe. Normal emergency procedures of the restaurant are to be followed. People involved in the provision of assistance to others should pay particular attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards, including washing hands.